About Humbled.
This blog is designed to inform you of the pulpit supply ministry of Jim Hathaway. The blog content is dedicated to the craft of preaching genre sensitive expository sermons. Foundational to my ministry is the idea that the form of a preaching text should shape the function of the sermon. Put another way, the purpose of the scripture writer should determine the purpose of the sermon. For example, psalms written for worship should result in worship and parables with a surprise point should be preached in a manner that conveys that surprise and new insight.
Prior to the COVID-19 epidemic I completed all my Doctor of Ministry coursework and was working on my dissertation in preaching which was to be submitted to Western Seminary in Portland Oregon. I have needed to put this final aspect of my degree on hold. The title of my dissertation is: “Chasing After the Wind or Textually Driven Exposition: Toward a Biblical Theology of Relevance in Preaching.” Despite the universal desire for relevant preaching in the Evangelical church, there is no common definition of relevance or even a common understanding of what makes a sermon relevant. Through my research and writing I hope to contribute to a clearer understanding of relevance in preaching and ultimately to relevance in all biblically-oriented ministry.
This is the place where I make my initial thoughts known. And you can help. Feel free to provide feedback as it may help me to hone my skills as a writer and preacher.